
Melinda Pearson Competes in Ultimate Triathlon — by Prachar Stegemann — last modified 2006-09-09 11:30 PM Melinda competed in the grueling three day ultra in Canberra, Australia earlier this month. It is the longest ultra triathlon held in Australia. A day in the country — by Prachar Stegemann — last modified 2008-08-15 04:38 PM Members of the Melbourne and Geelong Sri Chinmoy Centres enjoyed a relaxing and energising day in country Victoria. Australian Sri Chinmoy Centre Website Undergoes Radical Transformation — by Prachar Stegemann — last modified 2006-09-09 11:39 PM Check out the new look of the Australian Sri Chinmoy Centre Website... Harmony Run Participates In Pako Festa Parade — by Prachar Stegemann — last modified 2006-09-09 11:45 PM The World Harmony Run enjoyed its participation in this year's Famous Pako Festa of Geelong, Australia... 203 pounds of ice-cream: a celebration around Australia — by Prachar Stegemann — last modified 2006-09-09 11:52 PM Members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Adelaide, Geelong and Melbourne invited the community to join in their celebration of Sri Chinmoy's 203 pound wrist curl weightlifting achievement with free ice-cream. Harmony Run Participates in Gala Day Parade — by Prachar Stegemann — last modified 2008-01-05 04:40 PM World Harmony Run team members joined with the local community in Geelong by participating in this year’s Gala Day Parade, broadcasting the message of hope and harmony amongst spectators.